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tv   The Young Turks With Cenk Uygur  Current  July 23, 2012 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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no welcome to the "the young turks." james holmes appears in court, but we'll tell you how he built his arsenal legally. >> you can find sites on the internet like this one that explains how to build a tripwire with fishing wire. >> cenk: what he could do legally was astounding. then on a lighter note we think that chick-fil-a has anti-guy chicken sandwiches. >> i'm sad but proud this is my last chick-fil-a sandwich. >> cenk: that iron report a a little later in the show. shoe you be done with them.
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>> and this is so good. >> it helps release the market and sustain economic growth in u.s. history. >> cenk: but we'll tell you whether their newsroom is realistic. some of the things that will drive you crazy about this show. we'll tell you how a real newsroom works. all this on tonight's show. it's go time. [ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> cenk: james holmes is the lunatic, well, we don't know yet what his mental state is, but we do know that he, of course, shot 70 people. hence, i'm going to go ahead and call him a lunatic. we have his mug shot as well. you can see that he does not look very sane. nor did he in court. "abc news" has more on that 12,347 movie theater shooting
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suspect james holmes sat in a courtroom appearing dazed sat silent during the court appearance. the lead prosecutor in the case said she's considering the death penalty. the former doctorial student is accused of killing 12 moviegoers and injuring 58 in a hail of butt let's during a midnight premiere of a bat mate man sequel. this of a smiling and relaxed holmes at 18 years old giving a speech at a screen tach. >> cenk: it's hard to me where he lost his mind and it became so horrific. there was a local gun club owner who said wait a minute, this guy is off his rocker. he was answered today. >> the answering machine was very gutterral deep voiced, bizarre, strange utterings freshish.
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i said that's kind of weird bizarre. then i told the staff if this guy shows up, if he's here, shows up or anything, he is to see me before anything happens. i want to know who and what he is and why it is the way. >> cenk: someone could tell that this guy was troubled and very disturbed. did that stop him from being able to purchase an amazing amount of weaponry? of course not. this is united states of america. in a four-month span james holmes received 50 packages, all voluming weaponry, protective gear bullets of different sorts. on may 22nd he bought a glock pistol. on may 29th he bought a shotgun. and in june at some point he bought an ar 14 rifle. that's a semi auto. and then on july 7th, another glock pistol. all of this perfectly legal in the state of colorado. then may though july he bought
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6,000 rounds of ammunition plus explosive equipment. the only thing unclear is whether the explosive equipment is legal or not legal in terms of purchasing it. the articles on the internet perfectly legal. no way to restrict bullets sales. no way to track internet purchases. even if he was unstable no one would know because there is no way to track it. some people think that's not such a bad idea. that's swell the executive director of the rocky mountain gun owners had this quote. if i only had six thousand rounds of my ar-15s i'd literally feel naked. two handguns a shotgun and a rifle. that's the average mail in colorado. well, i guess that means you're not much of a man if you feel you would feel naked and not armed and not equipped to defend yourself unless you had 6,000 bullets that does not speak well of your manhood.
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but that's the type of society we live in, certainly apparently n colorado where you can acquire all of this legally. how about this guy. he only has four weapons and 6,000 bullets. john mccain when asked about it no, that's totally fine. nothing we can do about it. watch. >> i don't know, to tell you the truth, what we can do, and this immediately lease to the issue of gown control. the killer in another way was in a country that had very strict gun control laws, yet he was able to acquire the necessary means to initiate and carry out a mass slaughter. i think we need to look at everything if everything should be looked at. but to think some how gun control is or increase gun control is the answer in my view, that would have to be proved. >> cenk: well, no problem senator mccain. i can do that for you. your norway example is a terrible one. in 2009 there was 11,493 firearm
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relateed deaths here. only 107 in norway. basically 100 to one. yes, they had one bad i want incident. we're crushing them in firearm related deaths. we must be so proud. we're number one. this is not a category that you want to be number one. look at this, in 2009 shot per year 97,820. shot per day 296 and killed per day 84. we're doing it wrong and it's literally killing us. i'm going to bring in a guest who knows all about this. colin god goddard. he was shot four times at the virginia tech, and now works for
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the brady. as i watch the mccains of the world, and them saying that these strategies are unpreventable. how does that make you feel? >> that's as frustrating as hell. we are something right now that could be done. eight years ago james holmes couldn't walk into the pro shot and walk out with ar-15 and 100 rounds. that was illegal. you do that. but now thanks to the nr a and their puppets on capitol hill, you can do that again and you're seeing the results. >> cenk: i want to show you the date line special where they went to buy the guns in colorado. let's watch and then i want to get your thoughts on it. >> he went to the same supporting good store where james holmes purchased one of
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his guns. >> ar-15. >> what kind? >> smith wesson. >> he's buying the same type of assault weapon that holmes allegedly bought. first, a background check. >> how long for the background check. >> a half hour. >> we wanted to know how many guns could he guy? >> how many do i have left? >> no, how come how many could i buy. >> is >> you could buy ten if i had them. >> no weapon limit restriction. no state permit required to purchase. no firearm registration necessary. no owner license required isn't this the definition of the wild wild west. can't i by a thousand guns, a hundred guns, is there no limit. >> there is no limits. we do
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very little to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people in the first place. seeing people respond to that now in ways i haven't seen before. our website has been crashing over the past few days because of the activity. we have record numbers of new followers on twitter facebook, and the people who are tweeting about this never heard talk about gun issues before. it's phenomenal. this has been the missing piece like i said before, the american outrage. this needs to persist and remain. people need to continue to contact their elected representatives directly. contact and call out president obama and mitt romney on this issue. they want to be the leader of this country? they need to address specifically how they're going to stop situations like this happening again in another city. this is something that the american people need to get involved with right now. >> cenk: i know from personal experience because i went to brady camp over the weekend. it took a very long time to
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download, but it did so i know it's back and running. i'm happy to see that much interest in it. i want to mention one more politician in the united states. >> i fair an oath to the constitution. that is the rights to bear arms. this is not an issue of arms. this is an issue of sick, demented individuals. it's a tragedy and i don't think there is a solution in washington to solve this problem. i wish i could wave a magic wand and prevent a law like this in the future, but the fact of the matter, i don't think there is. >> cenk: as you watch thee guys pretend that they're helpless, what can we do? the second amendment says that you can buy whatever you want, neighbor a nuclear arm. morethere is nothing that could be
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done. how truth or false is that? >> absolutely truth. to buy those types of weapons to buy guns without a background check. people say capitol hill people say the established political understanding since 1994 voting for gun control is a losing issue. well what happened since 1994. it's 2012. even the columbine shooting. legislation could not get passed because politicians were too afraid to do it. people need to remember in a the people of colorado gun owners passed the loop hope closing bill 70-30. when you poll the american people overwhelming support for these specific things. all media need to top talking
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about gun control in the vague and talk about the specific which is assault weapons comprehensive background checks. there are so many things we could be done. it needs the american people to step up again and continue the outrage and contact our representatives, and make sure that we're not having the same conversation looking at each other like, oh my god what can we do in the next several moss when the next big shooting happens. we cannotting shocked when the next big shooting happens. this is on us. we need to take it from here. >> one last thing. after all of these tragedies they say too soon. don't talk about guns. if it's too soon for aurora, colorado, it certainly cannot be too soon for virginia tech. how come they were not talking about columbine before you got shot? can you put an end to this none assess talking point with your
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own example, saying, listen, any time you tell me it's too soon, i got to tell you it's not too soon for virginia tech because i got shot an along time ago. is that a fair point. >> that's absolutely fair. saying that it's too soon. these are talking point people who are trying to put distance between it so that when we talk about it in two weeks, no one is talking about it in two weeks. they tray to deliberately put timing in here when they know that the american people are hurt. this is an emotional thing. this has torn 70 families directly apart. the town of aurora will never be the imafen. as you said earlier it happens roughly to 81 american families roughly every single day. this should have been a
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conversation we had years ago. >> cenk: colin goddard such a strong voice for this. we appreciate you joining us on "the young turks." everybody check out . when we come back we'll continue to cover it. there has been one application who has been brave on this. it's a person we don't normally support, but here he is. >> this is an eye mother an enormous problem for the country. where are they now and why don't they stand up. if they want our votes. >> cenk: well, i'm going to answer that question when we come back. where are they now and what is their position, obama and romney. then later in the program daughter know in the lips they'll have safe rooms for the really rich and powerful. if there is a terrorist attack they'll be served. >> mitchell batteries on pop of
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apartments navy ships in the river. and thousands of groves and dog guards and dogs guarding the stadium. current tv. >>somebody somewhere can listen, record, track, gather this data. >>arrangements were made. >>(narrator) independent unflinching. >>there is a wild west quality to it that permits them to do whatever they wish. >>(narrator) and above all politically direct. >>facts are stubborn things.
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ask your doctor if spiriva can help. junk like it did at any an arby's in colorado. yikes. >> stephanie: i guess we do know where the beef is. [ buzzer ] >> that's wrong. >>now let's get some real news. (vo) first, news and analysis with a washington perspective from an emmy winning insider. >>you couldn't say it any more powerfully than that. >> current tv, on the roll. (vo)followed by humor and politics with a west coast edge. >>ah, thank you. >>it really is incredible.
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(vo)bill press and stephanie miller, current's morning news block. weekdays six to noon. [ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> cenk: there's one politician in the country that is at least bravely speaking out about gun control. a guy that we don't often agree with but it's mayor bloomberg of new york. maybe because he doesn't belong to any political party at this point that he can speak his mind. this is what he said recently. >> this really is an enormous problem for the country and it's you up to these two presidential candidates. they want to lead the country and they said before they're in favor of banning assault weapons. where are they now and if they want our votes they better stand you. >> cenk: neither one is going to do it. here is romney's plat attitudes about this tragedy. >> romney: there will be justice for those responsible but that's another matter for
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another day. today is a moment to grieve and to remember. >> cenk: that's exactly what colin goddard was pointing out. not today not today, we will won't talk about gun control today, but we'll get back to it on another matter. romney believes that the best way to prevent gun violence is to vigorously enforce our laws. in other words, i don't want too change a damn thing. and the more get killed of it, who cares. there is no way i'm going to cross the nra. if you die, that's your problem not my problem. apparently the rich have their panic rooms so they don't have to worry about the gun violence that we do. president obama, it doesn't get much better, unfortunately. here is his platitude. >> obama: i hope over the next several days, weeks and months we all reflect on how we can do something about some of the
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senseless violence that ends. marring this country. >> cenk: i would hope that too. what are you going to do about it? nothing. the president's view is that we can take steps to keep guns out of the hands of people who should not have them under existing law. and that's his focus right now. he repeated the existing law phrase three different times. meaning we're not going to push for any laws. when asked for clarification, he said we're not going to propose any hypothetical or legal laws. we are not going to do anything! how many congressmen need to get shot in the head before you take any kind of action. apparently right now the answer is unlimited because there is no action from either political party. finally on this count when you look at president obama's report card from the brady group, which
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is a gun control organization, he has got fs across the board. allowing firearms to be carried into national parks. that was not a law until president obama did it. the most pro gun democrat president in recent memory. hestraight fs. so how did that the republicans claim will take your guns away. he'll even let you carry it in even more places. let's bring in michael shure our political correspondent here. michael, as i look at this, not only do i see a series of failures on the part of republicans and democrats for gun control, but i want to show a clip from mitt romney, b-16. because there is some case to be made that mitt romney's position at some point was better on gun control than president obama.
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room we do have tough gun laws in massachusetts. >> i don't line up nra. i don't see eye to eye on every issue. i supported the assault weapon ban. >> it would be better federal program such that guns purchased in other states could not be brought into massachusetts without being subjected to finger printing. >> if there is something that would pose a grave risk, that is something that i would consider signing. >> a key thing you said at some point, you could say at some point on every single issue on mitt romney. if what he is then is really what he is on the inside in the first place. whether it's barack obama or mitt romney, both of them are luke warm on the issue of guns. neither of them want to face the
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issue of guns. america is like an abused spouse just coming back and coming back and coming back for more. now is the time. you said it, too now is the time. people are complaining on twitter, everywhere about the polite eyeing ofpoliticizing of this issue. that's what politics does. to make the country better. politicians should pay attention to this and start talking about guns and people should, too. >> cenk: now, not doing something is also politicizing it. that's something that is never mentioned. >> absolutely. >> cenk: now if ron johnson and john mccain and they say nothing could be done. okay, you didn't pass a law that would ban these weapons. these weapons were killed, you politicized, and more people die. >> there's nothing that johnson could to. there is a crazy person in norway--there are going to be crazy people everywhere. they just can't go into a store and buy as many guns as they
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want, they can't buy ammo without a background check. that's what happens. >> it almost seems in the wake of this gun tragedy they're bragging about how many guns were sold under president obama. i mean, are progressives irrelevant now? i look at that and it seems like they're rubbing it in our face. >> even progressives have not been loud enough on this issue. with all the things that progressive have to complain
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about, they have a full slate but they have to be vocal about guns. and i feel guilty even saying if anything can come of tragedies then colin goddard is right. it has to happen now. >> cenk: thank you michael. we appreciate it. michael will be back in a second because chick-fil-a has come out of the closet and said they're against gay marriage. should that stop us from buying chick-fil-a sandwiches. >> goodbye chick-fil-a, but thanks for letting us have just one more. >> cenk: i did not know that. that's fascinating. we'll talk about that when we come back. and also newt gringrich where is he now and how much money does he owe? you're going to love that. >> he couldn't manage changing the health system because it's too large and too complex. [ ♪ music ♪ ]
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>> cenk: if i can fillet is a company that prides itself running the company on christian values. in some ways that can be terrific. in other ways not so much. they were already well-known for giving millions of dollars in donations to anti-gay rights causes. but they've come out of the closet to the general public because the guy who runs it has made his position clear. >> chick-fil-a's president has
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come out opposed to gay marriage. they're guilty as charge, his words. >> cenk: it has up deed, the company has decided they're going to pull any kind of toys they would have given with economicchick-fil-as are gone. the muppets are gone. so they're going out of their way to make sure they have people understand that they do not agree with chick-fil-a's position. the botchthe boston mayor says chick-fil-a does not belong in boston. you can't have a business in a city of boston that discriminates against a population. that's the freedom trail. that's where it all started right here. the name is chick-fil-a. conservatives are mad about this. huckabee is going the other direction. he says, too often those on the
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left make corporate statements to show support for same-sex marriage abortion, or pro financety, but if christians affirm traditional values we're considered homophobic, fundamentalists, hatemongers and intolerant yes if you say you're against one particular group like gays you would be intolerant and hate mongers. if you practice the other side of christianity, giving to the pour, we wouldn't call you those things. apparently he's hurt over that. what are we going to do in terms of chick-fil-a? should we ban if? michael shure they all went to chick-fil-a to see what they're going to do about this. some surprising things in this report, which is also, by the way, quite ironic. >> here we go. it's our final chick-fil-a
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sandwich. goodbye chick-fil-a but thanks for letting us enjoy one more. we're enjoying our last chick-fil-a sandwich. it's too bad because it's too good. it's all a bun chicken and a pickle. >> we could continue to eat at chick-fil-a with a fake clear conscious. >> what has changed? >> they have put an exclamation point on how they feel about gay marriage. before it was subtle. now they say, you know what, we stand by it. when challenged on it, they say we stand by it. we're opposed to gay marriage. >> guilty as charge. >> that's what they said. the president of the company. he doesn't hate gay people. that's not his agenda. it's religious. it's against gay marriage. that's enough for me to never eat here again.
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>> if you stand again gay marriage there are unfortunate consequences. i'm not going to enjoy my lunch as much as i did. >> a company so opposed to to misters from getting married. >> cenk: it took me awhile to get the mister joke. >> it doesn't surprise me. >> cenk: here is another part i wasn't about. who was gay in that video? because i know one of you happens to be in the community but not the ones i expected. >> two grown men who are friends holding hands in an important time in their lives their last chick-fil-a sandwich. >> cenk: that's very george bush there. >> i brought for you your final chick-fil-a sandwich. >> cenk: oh, thank you. >> you might want to take a bite. >> cenk: before i take the bite, aren't we banning these guys? isn't it ironic eating a last
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one. >> it's like the last supper. it's our way of making the statement, and also kind of cheating a little and having another chick-fil-a sandwich. >> i said i would make a donation to the organization my wife works for lamda-legal which supports lgbt rights. >> that's both from shana and me. >> are you sure? >> and i wasn't going to make a donation. >> cenk: shana. that's an interesting thing. you said earlier before we were on air, the lgbt community was very familiar with the chick-fil-a position. was it so surpriseing that they caught on to late? >> it's grate. certainly in the gay community you hear a lot more and learn a lot more about companies who are more visit than you would like and quietly contributed or spoke
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out for traditional marriage and what we call hate. by just doubling down again and again on this issue, it's really raised the ire of everyone. it's not just issue-specific to gay people. i think all of our straight friends, i've been encouraged on twitter and facebook to see so many people i know who have grown up in the south or grown up eating chick-fil-a saying, no more. >> cenk: ben, i always am torn on these issues. do you stop watching mel gibson movies? where do you draw the line? wendy's is a really conservative company. they just dropped out of alec. do i go back to eating wendy's? how do you make this decision? >> no one has to go to wendy's. >> i disagree. i like wendy's. >> chick-fil-a, it's okay to be hypocritical. it's not our obligation to know
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where every company spends their money. it's like that "seinfeld" company, you will boycott dominoes but he'll go to that really good restaurant that is againstanti-gay marriage. sometimes if we always knew the facts, we would feel bad. >> now given a chance to make a correction, given a chance to make a clarification this guy has said as blatantly as he can. >> the money matters. the gay community has a tradition of boycotting anti-gay companies going back to the 1970s, and that had an important impact on how companies and politicians began to think about gay voters as a flock and coming together and saying this is not appropriate this is not okay. >> cenk: since 2003 chick-fil-a has given $5 million to anti-gay
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causes. they're speaking loud with their money. >> i think it's fine for a company to have christian values. that's not opposed to who i am. i'm not a christian but they take their money and put it into hateful propaganda, that's where we have to draw the line. >> cenk: no, we absolutely have to draw the line. [ will having will [ laughing ] last one i promise. when we come back newt gringrich talked a big game during the primaries. where is he now? you're going to love that story. >> i don't have to go to that point. >> i'm going to be the nominee. [ ♪ theme music ♪ ]
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[ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> cenk: now here is the segment i love. "where are they now"." this one sticks out in my mind. the guy who was going to be the nominee. >> you're going to be the nominee? >> i'm going to be the nominee. >> cenk: oops, apparently not big guy. do you remember when he bragged about his prowess and finance and balancing budgets, here is
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newt gringrich at one of the debates. >> with my background of having actually worked with president reagan and then speaker if there was one thing that i wish the american people could know about me, it would be the amount of work it took to get to welfare reform, a balanced budget a 4.2% unemployment rate, and you got to have someone who can actually get it done in washington, not just describe it on the campaign trail. >> cenk: i mean, if there is one guy who knows about budgets and running them effectively, it's newt gringrich right? wrong again bob. now he has $4.9 billion in debt. he just had to refund contributers $505,000. because he ran such a bad campaign. they asked for their money back. loser! loser! so then you go to who he owes money to. you have over $1 million owed to air charter company.
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$4 million owed to nearly 100 companies. and wait a minute. i thought you paid your debts. when it comes to your own campaign, anyone who actually gave money to newt gringrich or services to newt gringrich had it coming, to be fair. they are the suckers and they deserve to be hoodwinked by this scam artist. remember he ran a whole center on health transformation. >> it's part of our initial concept was that you couldn't manage changing the halt system because it's too large and too complex. >> cenk: god, he nailed it, though. oh i just think out it turns out that's also bankrupt. he has not figured out anything for center for health transformation filed chapter 7 bankruptcy in april of 2012. thee guys never had any idea of what they're doing in the first
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mace. where is herman cain? he has this brilliant idea called "cain tv." >> hello i'm herman cain. they think we are stupid. i have eight guns, and that's not enough. that's how my friend joe the plumber defines his second amendment right. it's not a secret that they're trying to strengthen gun control laws. the tea party and myself believe in the second amendment. as benjamin franklin once said liberty is a whale on lamb contesting the vote. >> cenk: i have no idea what's talking about. you know you're in trouble if you have to explain to people about your slogan, we're not stupid. leading people to believe that most people thought you were
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stupid. which, by the way when you talked about warren buffet in the video and misspelled his name. his star was louis brown. one of the people he was featuring was a homeless man with street smarts. let's watch this. >> god said i'm the almighty god who created all things seen and unseen. i'm that god--i don't have an opinion on folks who live a certain lifestyle because i'm not a perfect human being. >> cenk: sounds pretty interesting. here's the problem. he's dead. when they launched cain tv they said this is going to be one of your big starts. he died september of 2011. their slogan is, we're not stupid. well, you got a funny way of showing it, herman. god, these people are embarrassing. it's fun to see where they are now. when we come back.
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well this is a real newsroom. then there is a show called "newsroom." what did they get right? what did they get wrong? we'll show you when we get back. >> we had 17 seconds. >> wait, wait, everybody watch this. and who doesn't want 50% more cash? ugh, the baby. huh! and then the baby bear said "i want 50% more cash in my bed!" phhht! 50% more cash is good ri... what's
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that. ♪ ♪ you can spell. [ male announcer ] the capital one cash rewards card. the card for people who want 50% more cash. what's in your wallet? ha ha. ♪ ♪
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[ beads rattling ] [ male announcer ] spearmint that tingles as you chew. stimulate your senses. 5 gum. now in micro pack.
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[ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> cenk: newsroom is a functional show on hbo about newsrooms, obviously. our critic here is here to analyze what they got right and what they got wrong. >> yeah, so first of all again i'm coming here in two capacities. first, this is my critic hat. >> cenk: literally. >> when i wear my critic hat, i feel like i have to speak like this. there are many problems with newsroom. forget the stuff that gets you out of your chair and makes you want to applaud which we'll get to momentarily the way
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journalism ought to be. but they can't get past the way of talking. it's like west wing on speed on this show. now this wases a step forward and now a massive step back. in the clip you're about to see one of the character not one of the regular characters, comes in the newsroom on valentine's day because her boyfriend has the audacity to stay at work and not join her at a restaurant on valentine's day. when a woman comes in and starts screaming on valentine's day is an insane person. >> i'm so sorry. it's been a very chaotic. >> where the. [ bleep ] have you been? >> like i said, it's been-- >> i might have a concussion, but still, i'm sorry. >> you're sorry? in that case i totally forgive you for making me sit in a
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restaurant for an hour. >> thank you unless you're star it was kick. >> it was. >> are you lisa? i got your message. >> nails on a chalkboard. if you switch phones, wouldn't you switch back when you figured it out? >> cenk: now, the characters are unbearable. god, what is he putting them through? but the content is great. so tell me about that. >> the content is great. once you get past the people talking--there goes the critic hat. the content is fantastic. there is a scene in the movie where olivia plays a distinguished accountant, and she's beautiful, too. here is her explaining what happened to the economy, how the economy--because she knows nothing about it, how things have gone over the past 30 years regarding the economy and
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glass-steagall. >> it helps help me in the economic growth. 60 year expansion and the largest increase in median income. we won world war ii, put a man on the moon and a computer in everyone's lap. you know what happened next? we repealed glass-steagall. >> cenk: i'm going to jump in here. this is exactly what is right and wrong in this show. >> in one scene. >> cenk: no other show talks about glass-steagall. why is she crying? it's so unbelievable and unrealistic. >> in the middle of that conversation. it's painful. now if only someone else in this business was talking about glass-steagall, that's the thing. in this sense they have something in the newsroom with what it's like. we go back to november 2009 the
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ten-year repeal of glass-steagall. >> bring glass-steagall back. it's so obvious. our money should not be at risk. if the bangers want to put their money at risk, that's their problem and that's the signing ceremony where they're all laughing it up, yes, this has got to be great. we're all going to make money and every american taxpayer will suffer greatly. >> cenk: well, to be fair, he put it in an entertainment show. >> that's why i'm still drawn to the show. that's why i keep watching it. now we'll throw a little journalism at you to be clear what olivia was saying about glass-steagall, that's essentially correct. a couple of graphics to back that up. incomes since the repealed glass-steagall in 1999 this is the average salaries of bankers versus the rest of us, people in
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the financial industry. and our incomes have been relatively flat while theirs sighskyrocketed. >> that's why they pushed to for it. >> and then here is another graphic with subprime loans. there is a huge spike and then a further spike as we get closer to the recession. >> cenk: man they screwed us royally, the politicians and the bankers. thank you for the analysis. >> i wish the show were better. >> cenk: good characters and development of the storyline i couldn't agree more with you. nonetheless, i watch it religiously. all right now "viewpoint" with eliot spitzer is next. eliott what do you have for us? >> eliot: any time you're talking about glass-steagall, i'm with it all the way. we've got gun control.
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what happened to gun control. richard nixon wanted tougher gun control than anybody in congress is willing to stand up and be supportive right now. it's amazing how far our debate on all this has gone. three whistle blowers from the nsa. we'll tell you about the most unbelievable invasion of our privacy you ever imagined. that will be on our show. >> cenk: all right, look forward to it. >> cenk: when we come back, the outrages of the rich. where they're hiding their money, what they're spending it on tax the rich. tax the rich when we come back.
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no. [ male announcer ] salty. sweet. and impossible to resist. (vo) now, it's your turn. (vo) connect with the young turks with cenk uygur. >> it's go time. 1306
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